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Join Dr. Laubach from Back to Health as he delves into the world of inversion table therapy in this informative video. Inversion tables have gained popularity for their potential benefits, but Dr. Laubach offers valuable insights, recommendations, and precautions to consider before giving it a try.

Inversion table therapy, although beneficial for many, isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Dr. Laubach highlights essential precautions, such as avoiding inversion if you have heart disease, vascular disease, uncontrolled high blood pressure, a history of stroke, an aneurysm, positional vertigo, glaucoma, or retinal detachment. Safety comes first, and it's crucial to assess whether inversion therapy is suitable for you based on your individual health condition.

The video proceeds to provide a detailed overview of an inversion table's features, including collapsibility for storage, adjustable height settings, ankle locking mechanisms, and methods to set the degree of inversion. Dr. Laubach offers guidance on the safe and gradual progression into inversion therapy to prevent overexertion and reduce the risk of complications. He recommends starting with short sessions at a light angle and gradually increasing both time and angle.

Dr. Laubach also addresses questions regarding which inversion table to choose and the best time to use it. He suggests that an entry-level table with an adequate weight rating is suitable for most users. Additionally, he advises considering secondhand options, as these tables are often underutilized and can be found at a lower cost.

For the optimal time to use the inversion table, Dr. Laubach recommends incorporating it at the end of a workday to relieve the effects of gravity and ease the spine and joints. This timing can offer a sense of relief and relaxation after a long day.

If you have any more questions or seek further guidance on inversion table therapy, don't hesitate to reach out to Dr. Laubach at your next appointment or through email. Back to Health is committed to helping you achieve your health and well-being goals, so you can enjoy a better quality of life.

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