In this video, we will be talking about sleeping positions to help with lower back pain.
In this video, we're doing a stretching routine to loosen up your lower back.
This advanced exercise routine will help to defend against chronic back pain by strengthening muscle.
Make this simple exercise routine part of your morning to loosen up your neck and upper back.
Help your lower back pain by improving your core strength with these exercises.
Join us in this video to view exercises you can do at home to recover from a spinal disc injury.
In this routine, Dr. Nate will share a 20 Minute Routine to help with supporting your core.
This at home exercise routine is designed to help you recover from the pain that's associated with a special disc injury.
In this video, we will review a 15 minute stretch to help with severe lower back pain.
Learn how to achieve spinal decompression effectively for relief from back issues and relaxation.
In this video, we will be targeting shoulder and upper body mobility and flexibility.
Core strength is connected to the back muscles and spine. Work hard to build and develop core muscles.
Lower back pain due to injuries, strain and stress can improve with this basic stretch routine.
Whether you're dealing with common issues like plantar fasciitis or general foot soreness, this routine aims to kickstart your day with simple yet effective practices for a more comfortable and pain-free experience.
In this video, we're going to talk about Neurodynamic Mobilization, also known as sciatic nerve gliding or sciatic nerve flossing.
Whether you're looking to address specific foot issues or simply improve overall foot strength, this video provides practical and effective exercises to help you on your journey to stronger and healthier feet.
Learn effective ways to practicing good ergonomics, lower risk to back injuries, and help reduce pain.
Spinal disc injuries are extremely painful with severe nerve pain. Healing is possible with time and dedication.
Listen to our tips and recommended products to combat inflammation and help progress healing.
Our secret to success is our experience, education, continued research and commitment to providing care.
Get Back 2 Health by getting good rest, staying active, hydrating and maintaining a balanced diet.
Dr. Nathan and Dr. Beth Laubach recommend regular movement and consistent chiropractic adjustments.
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Tuesday - 11AM-6PM
Wednesday - 9AM-5PM
Thursday - 11AM-6PM
Friday - 9AM - 1PM
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