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Dr. Laubach from Back to Health presents an at-home gentle stretching routine specifically designed for individuals experiencing severe low back pain. These exercises aim to provide relief and help you feel better, but it's essential to prioritize comfort and skip any exercises that worsen your pain. If you encounter any such discomfort, make a note to discuss it with Dr. Laubach during your next appointment.

Exercise Routine:

  1. Pelvic Tilting: Start by lying on your back with knees bent. Perform pelvic tilts to rotate your pelvis gently, pushing your tailbone into the floor for a slight arch in your lower back. Hold for three seconds, then lift your tailbone towards the sky to flatten your lower back against the floor, holding for three seconds. Continue alternating between these positions.
  2. Double Knee to Chest: Pull both knees towards your chest. Allow your lower back to round gently, and consider adding a slight rocking motion. This stretch helps release tension in your lower back and hips.
  3. Single Leg Knee to Chest: Pull one knee at a time towards your chest, experiencing a stretch in your lower back and hip flexor. Again, consider incorporating a light rocking motion.
  4. Twisting Knee to Chest: Place the opposite hand over your knee, twist slightly, and look over the other hand. This twist stretches your lower back and obliques.
  5. Cat and Cow Stretch: Move onto your hands and knees. In the "cow" position, arch your lower back and extend your head backward. In the "cat" position, round your back, tuck your chin, and engage your abdomen. Switch between these positions to loosen your back.
  6. Prayer Stretch: Sit back on your heels with your arms extended, reaching forward. Try to bring your forehead to the ground. This stretch targets your lower back, hips, and shoulders.
  7. Sphinx and Cobra Stretch: Lie face down, lift your chest off the ground, and rest on your forearms to assume the Sphinx position. Focus on arching your lower back gently. Then, push into a full Cobra stretch by extending your arms and arching your back further. Keep your head out of your shoulders.
  8. Standing Extensions: Stand and perform ten gentle back extensions. On the last one, hold the extension position for about 15 seconds to emphasize the stretch in your lower back.

This routine is designed to provide relief and comfort for those dealing with severe low back pain. Be kind to yourself and maintain a positive mental attitude while performing these stretches. Your well-being is a priority.

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