Many people visit a chiropractor to relieve pain involving the spine, back, neck, and other joint related areas. With a focus on the body's nervous system, chiropractic adjustments realign the human body and alleviate pressure and pain throughout. With that said, your first chiropractic adjustment may provoke nervousness, as it’s an unknown and new experience. Chiropractic adjustments are usually sudden and controlled manipulations of the musculoskeletal system. Adjustments may also produce some popping and cracking sounds, which can be surprising in the beginning of your chiropractic care journey. However, these sounds are normal and all part of the process of realigning the body. Most often, adjustments produce instant relief, which is why patients become frequent and regular visitors to their chiropractic care center.
Chiropractic care often involves a patient plan tailored to the specific patient, based on an individual's history, symptoms and physical exam. Whether it’s pain or wellness that brought you to a chiropractor, the experience is essentially the same. During your first visit you may be asked a few questions regarding your health history and symptoms. Based on a patient's history and a physical exam, the physician may order
diagnostic testing, such as an x-ray, if he or she finds it necessary. Once those parts of the chiropractic consultation are complete, the chiropractor will likely instruct the patient to lay down on a specialized and padded chiropractic table. Occasionally a chiropractor will ask the patient to move in several different positions to perform multiple manipulations to complete the visit. The appointment from start to finish is usually brief, but may be longer as a new patient. With time, appointments will develop into a rhythm between you and your physician and will likely be something to look forward to during the week.
So, if and when you’re considering consulting with a chiropractor there are a few important steps to take prior to your first appointment:
Do your research
In order to find the best chiropractor to handle your care, it's important to do thorough research. Using online resources is a great way to locate a reputable chiropractic care center that will provide care that is in your best interest at all times. Checking out the reviews of potential chiropractic doctors on
Google or
Yelp is a great start. It’s also useful to navigate each of their websites, which will provide additional information that may be important to consider such as, offered services, team members credentials, location, hours of operation, and more. Lastly, call upon your family and friends for referrals and recommendations of chiropractors. Close friends and family will give you their honest opinion and always want what’s best for you. These research methods are sure to provide you with the proper information you need to narrow down your search for the best chiropractor for you.
Consider your own wants and needs in a practice
First and foremost, determining your own wants, needs and expectations in a chiropractor is a major part of beginning your chiropractic journey. For example, is insurance coverage important to you? Some chiropractors don’t accept any form of insurance, so that is something to look into if that has any impact on your decision. Secondly, ask yourself what kind of chiropractor you feel you will connect with most; perhaps a more traditional chiropractor or maybe a more evolved and modernized approach to chiropractic care interests you. Thirdly, are there any specializations you are looking for in particular? Some physicians specialize and offer additional services that could have a positive impact on your experience such as, spinal decompression therapy, therapeutic massage, pregnancy and pediatric care and more.
Write down any questions and concerns for the physician
Once you have come to the big decision of
choosing THE chiropractor to take care of your musculoskeletal system, it’s time to jot down any questions and concerns for your doctor to answer. Take a moment to consider all the things that you may be nervous about. It’s important to completely relax your body during the actual adjustment so ask your doctor for additional information needed to get some clarity before starting your adjustment. In a relaxed state the adjustment will be smoother and more effective.
Chiropractic care isn’t just for patients living with pain, but also for people who are searching for balance in their health and wellness. The benefits of chiropractic adjustments include relieving neck and back pain, boosting your immune system, increasing energy levels, aligning the body, enhancing muscular balance, relieving tension and stress, and improving posture. If you’re searching for a chiropractic care center that provides a wide range of
chiropractic specialties and hands on manual chiropractic adjustments,
call Back 2 Health Chiropractic Center or visit their website at
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Thursday - 11AM-6PM
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